Name of light House |
a. |
Region |
Baluchistan (Makran Coast) |
b. |
Location |
Jabal Zareen |
c. |
Coordinates |
Lat: 25 - 13.0
Long: 63 - 27.8
d. |
Elevation |
135.7 m |
e. |
Light Characteristics |
GP F1 (3) 30 Sec. |
f. |
Visibility Range |
17.1 Miles |
g. |
Candle Power |
33,800 cd |
h. |
Type of Structure |
Grey Metal Framework on White base |
i. |
Height of Structure |
10.7 m |
j. |
Year Built/Constructed |
1970 Re-constructed on 2000 |
k. |
Year Modernized |
1987 |
l. |
Detail of Lighting Apparatus |
Type of Apparatus Sealed Beam Revolving Beacon PRB-46
Type of Bulb LASE-28/6 (Sealed Beam Lamp)
Voltage 5.6 V
Ampere 4.6 A
m. |
Power Source |
Solar Power (641AH)X12 2V each |
n. |
Operating or not |
Operating |