The Mercantile
Marine Department is a Subordinate Office of the Directorate
General, Ports and Shipping, Ministry of Maritime Affairs.
The department was established in 1930 and is an integral
part of Maritime Safety Administration of Pakistan. It is
headed by Principal
Officer who is also Registrar of Ships and Superintendent
of Light Houses.
The Mercantile Marine Department was established on 1st May,
1930 and was placed under the charge of Principal Officer
vide Notification No. 3-2.1/30 dated 19th April, 1930. The
Principal Officer was also appointed ex-officio Shipping Master.
A notice was issued stating that all notices to Mariners,
Navigational warnings, duties in connection with enquires
into shipping causalities, Pilgrim Ships, Light Houses, External
Emigration, Examination for Competency Certificates, Registration
of Ships, engagement and disengagement of seamen- all Shipping
Office duties and general administration of Central and Provincial
Acts pertaining to merchant shipping, Light Houses and emigration
shall be carried out by this department.
The important
objectives of the department are to ensure the safety of life
and property at sea and inland waters, safety of navigation
and protection of Marine Environment through implementation
of Merchant Shipping Ordinance, National Rules and International
Maritime Conventions.
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