Circular NO. 2277/2003-04
In the meeting or Ports & Shipping Co-ordination
Committee on Mercantile Marine Department held on 7th January
2004, the members tabled proposal for revision of procedure
for issuance of NOC for Port Clearance by Mercantile Marine
Department. The matter has been considered and it has been
decided that the revised procedure for issuance of NOC for
Port Clearance by Mercantile Marine Department shall be as
follows with effect from 1st April, 2004. The revised procedure
is subject to review by Mercantile Marine Department, if it
creates any legal complications at any stage. The procedure
has been revised to facilitate the trade and in the larger
interest of the Shipping Industry.
As suggested during the meeting, it
has been decided that for issuance of NOC for Port Clearance
purpose, duplicate copies of Statutory Certificates of
vessels by the issuing authority shall be accepted by Mercantile
Marine Department in lieu of the original. However, considering
a number of in order to comply with the requirement of
STCW-95 it is considered imperative that the Ship's Registry
and the Certificates of Competency of Ship's Officers
and Crew, shall however be required to be produced in original.
For vessels on regular call to Ports
of Pakistan, the procedure stated above shall be followed
on vessel's first call to Port of Karachi/Bin Qasim, however,
for subsequent calls of the vessel the ship owner/agent
shall be required to produce the following documents for
obtaining NOC for Port Clearance of the vessel:-
- Copy of NOC, issued by the MMD on vessel's last
- Copy of "Details of Ships Documents" checked by
the MMD during vessel's last call
- Latest Crew list signed by the Master of vessel.
- Copy of the "List of certified Seafarers" checked
by the MMD Surveyor.
- Statement from the Master of the vessel regarding
any changes in the status of Certificated Seafarers
and nay endorsement on vessels Statutory Certificates.
- Statement form Master of the vessel indicating date
and time of berthing alongwith berth number.
- Undertaking by the ship's agent on Company's letter
head signed by and carrying the name and designation
of Senior Executive of Company, stating.
- That no endorsement has been made on vessel's
Statutory Certificate and no changes have taken
place in the status of these certificates.
- The date at which documents, as specified in
Para (1) of this letter, were checked by the MMD.
The procedure for regular caller as
mentioned above shall however remain valid for a period
of two months form the initial inspection of documents,
after which, the procedure described in Para 1 above would
to be repeated. It is hoped that the above procedure shall
greatly facilitate stakeholders of the trade as per their
request for accepting duplicate copies of Statutory Certificates
and revising the system of issuance of long term Port
Clearance for regular callers. The procedure for regular
callers has been devised keeping with the requirement
that Port Clearance is required to be issued for each
call and cannot be for a long term period. However, an
attempt has been made to simplify the procedure. The validity
of two months in this procedure has been kept with the
view to keep a check on status of Statutory Certificates/Annual
endorsement and for Certificates of competency for Officers/Crew
in case there has been a change in the manning status
of the vessel during this period.